Results for 'Oscar D. Licandro-Uruguay'

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  1. Modelos para el análisis de los negocios inclusivos: construcción mediante el estudio de casos//Models for Analyzing Inclusive Businesses: Construction through Case Studies.Oscar D. Licandro-Uruguay - 2013 - Telos (Venezuela) 15 (1):32-48.
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    El impacto de la ciencia en la investigación filosófica. Vindicación de la Filosofía Científica.Oscar D. Caicedo, Samira Vargas, Emmanuel Alcocer & Laura Bustos - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
    Este escrito supone una defensa y un argumento en favor de la filosofía científica. Conceptos como naturalismo y cientificismo serán contrastados a la luz de la investigación filosófica, defendiendo un cientificismo crítico que, más que sostener que la ciencia es la única fuente de conocimiento fiable, sostiene que la actividad científica es una excelente creación cultural humana para adquirir conocimiento y que la filosofía que la desprecia o ignora, no es productiva. Se defiende que el diálogo entre la ciencia y (...)
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    The evolution of hemostatic mechanisms.Oscar D. Ratnoff - 1987 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 31 (1):4.
  4.  8
    A ideologia do direito natural: crítica histórica dos fundamentos lógicos e axiológicos da filosofia do direito natural, da grécia clássica à época contemporânea, na perspectiva demonstrativa de seu caráter ideológico de justificação do direito positivo ocidental.Souza Filho & E. Oscar D'Alva - 2008 - Rio: ABC editora.
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  5. Cadernos de filosofia do direito: elaborado pelos alunos da disciplina filosofia do direito da Universidade de Fortaleza, UNIFOR.Souza Filho & E. Oscar D'Alva (eds.) - 2009 - Rio: ABC Editora.
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  6. Discurso em torno dos direitos: positivo, natural e alternativo.Souza Filho & E. Oscar D'Alva - 2000 - Fortaleza: ABC Fortaleza.
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    Ensaios de filosofia do direito: temas gregos, medievais, modernos e atuais.Souza Filho & E. Oscar D'Alva - 2007 - Rio: ABC Editora.
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    Tetralogia do direito natural: ensaios de filosofia do direito: acerca das principais justificações ideologicas do direito positivo ocidental.Souza Filho & E. Oscar D'Alva - 2008 - Rio: ABC editora.
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    Tópicos de filosofia do direito.Souza Filho & E. Oscar D'Alva (eds.) - 2010 - Rio: ABC Editora.
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    School segregation in public and semiprivate primary schools in andalusia.Claudia Prieto-Latorre, Oscar D. Marcenaro-Gutierrez & Anna Vignoles - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (2):175-196.
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    Balancing Benefits and Risks of Immortal Data.Oscar A. Zarate, Julia Green Brody, Phil Brown, Monica D. Ramirez-Andreotta, Laura Perovich & Jacob Matz - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 46 (1):36-45.
    An individual's health, genetic, or environmental-exposure data, placed in an online repository, creates a valuable shared resource that can accelerate biomedical research and even open opportunities for crowd-sourcing discoveries by members of the public. But these data become “immortalized” in ways that may create lasting risk as well as benefit. Once shared on the Internet, the data are difficult or impossible to redact, and identities may be revealed by a process called data linkage, in which online data sets are matched (...)
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    Epingles votives du Luristan.Oscar White Muscarella & D. de Clercq-Fobe - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (2):228.
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    Concern for wild animal suffering and environmental ethics: What are the limits of the disagreement?Oscar Horta - 2018 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 13 (1):85-100.
    OSCAR HORTA | : This paper examines the extent of the opposition between environmentalists and those concerned with wild-animal suffering and considers whether there are any points they may agree on. The paper starts by presenting the reasons to conclude that suffering and premature death prevail over positive well-being in nature. It then explains several ways to intervene in order to aid animals and prevent the harms they suffer, and claims that we should support them. In particular, the paper (...)
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  14. Simplificación de señales senoidales Y cosenoidales mediante triangulos de cano obtenidos usando propiedades de la convolucion.Alexander Molina Cabrera, Oscar Danilo Montoya Giraldo & Luisa Fernanda Escobar D. Vila - 2011 - Scientia et Technica 16.
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    Solute-diffusion-controlled dislocation creep in pure aluminium containing 0.026 at.% Fe.Oleg D. Sherby, Alfred Goldberg & Oscar A. Ruano † - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (23):2417-2434.
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    Un muro, inusual imagen religiosa. El vocablo "bhitti" en Abhinavagupta.Óscar Figueroa Castro - 2013 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 18:95-110.
    This paper discusses the meaning of an image rarely used within the religious and philosophical corpus of ancient India in order to describe the ultimate nature of God and the human being: a wall or canvas (Sanskrit, bhitti). The usage of such a peculiar image belongs to Abhinavagupta, the great exegete of the Tantric tradition who lived in Kashmir between the tenth and eleventh centuries A.D. After presenting some antecedents, the paper focuses on key passages taken fromAbhinavagupta’s work and shows (...)
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  17.  56
    Los derechos humanos Y el estado moderno. (¿Qué hace moderno al derecho moderno?).Óscar Correas - 2003 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 37:271-285.
    The object of this t e xt is to present human rights as subjec t i ve rights, and therefore, as an appropriate fo r m of discourse in mode r n socie t y . Subject i v e rights are a discourse strat e gy through w hich ind i viduals h a ve lost contact with their companions in c i vil socie t y , and th e y f ind themsel v es isolate d , (...)
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    El rol del derecho internacional en la teoría fichteana del Estado y la propiedad.Arrese Igor Héctor Óscar - 2010 - Endoxa 26:43.
    En este trabajo intento mostrar, contra la tesis de D. James, que existe una relación de continuidad entre la teoría del derecho internacional del Fundamento del derecho natural y de El Estado comercial cerrado de Johann G. Fichte, basándome en dos razones. En primer lugar, en ambos textos la propiedad de los ciudadanos puede ser garantizada sólo si el Estado es soberano en relación con los demás para planificar su propia política económica. En segundo lugar, si bien en El Estado (...)
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  19. M. Arnold, cüllmann et l'or affaire lohmeyer».Oscar Cüllmann - 2009 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 89:11.
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  20. Les récentes études sur la formation de la tradition évangélique.Oscar Cullmann - 1925 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 5:573.
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  21. Quand viendra le Royaaume de Dieu.Oscar Cullmann - 1938 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 18:174-186.
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    Review of Michela Massimi and Casey D. McCoy’s Understanding Perspectivism: Scientific Challenges and Methodological Prospects - Michela Massimi and Casey D. McCoy, Understanding Perspectivism: Scientific Challenges and Methodological Prospects. New York: Routledge (2020), 210 pp. $136 (hardcover). [REVIEW]Oscar Westerblad - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (1):253-257.
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    Seeking consent for research with indigenous communities: a systematic review.Emily F. M. Fitzpatrick, Alexandra L. C. Martiniuk, Heather D’Antoine, June Oscar, Maureen Carter & Elizabeth J. Elliott - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):65.
    BackgroundWhen conducting research with Indigenous populations consent should be sought from both individual participants and the local community. We aimed to search and summarise the literature about methods for seeking consent for research with Indigenous populations.MethodsA systematic literature search was conducted for articles that describe or evaluate the process of seeking informed consent for research with Indigenous participants. Guidelines for ethical research and for seeking consent with Indigenous people are also included in our review.ResultsOf 1447 articles found 1391 were excluded (...)
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  24.  81
    Beyond Conscience. T. V. SmithPolitical Power. Charles Edward MerriamWorld Politics and Personal Insecurity. Harold D. Lasswell. [REVIEW]Oscar Jászi - 1935 - International Journal of Ethics 45 (4):440-448.
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    Philosophical Analysis in Latin America. D. Reidel, 1984, 432pp. [REVIEW]Oscar R. Marti - 1986 - Metaphilosophy 17 (4):351-357.
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    The Picture Talk Project: Starting a Conversation with Community Leaders on Research with Remote Aboriginal Communities of Australia.E. F. M. Fitzpatrick, G. Macdonald, A. L. C. Martiniuk, H. D’Antoine, J. Oscar, M. Carter, T. Lawford & E. J. Elliott - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):34.
    Researchers are required to seek consent from Indigenous communities prior to conducting research but there is inadequate information about how Indigenous people understand and become fully engaged with this consent process. Few studies evaluate the preference or understanding of the consent process for research with Indigenous populations. Lack of informed consent can impact on research findings. The Picture Talk Project was initiated with senior Aboriginal leaders of the Fitzroy Valley community situated in the far north of Western Australia. Aboriginal people (...)
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    Storia delle letterature d'Oriente.Ludwik Sternbach & Oscar Botto - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):542.
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  28. O que é metafísica.Jaimir Conte & Oscar Federico Bauchwitz - 2011 - Natal, RN, Brasil: Editora da UFRN.
    Atas do III Colóquio Internacional de Metafísica. [ISBN 978-85-7273-730-2]. Sumário: 1. Prazer, desejo e amor-paixão no texto de Lucrécio, por Antonio Júlio Garcia Freire; 2. Anaximandro: física, metafísica e direito, por Celso Martins Azar Filho; 3. Carta a Guimarães Rosa, por Cícero Cunha Bezerra; 4. Ante ens, non ens: La primacía de La negación em El neoplatonismo medievel, por Claudia D’Amico; 5. Metafísica e neoplatonismo, por David G. Santos; 6. Movimento e tempo no pensamento de Epicuro, por Everton da Silva (...)
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    The picture talk project: Aboriginal community input on consent for research.Emily F. M. Fitzpatrick, Gaynor Macdonald, Alexandra L. C. Martiniuk, June Oscar, Heather D’Antoine, Maureen Carter, Tom Lawford & Elizabeth J. Elliott - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):12.
    The consent and community engagement process for research with Indigenous communities is rarely evaluated. Research protocols are not always collaborative, inclusive or culturally respectful. If participants do not trust or understand the research, selection bias may occur in recruitment, affecting study results potentially denying participants the opportunity to provide more knowledge and greater understanding about their community. Poorly informed consent can also harm the individual participant and the community as a whole. Invited by local Aboriginal community leaders of the Fitzroy (...)
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    Padilla Gálvez, Jesús. "Reflexionando acerca de la gramática filosófica", Areté [Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú] 24.2 (2012): 323-349. [REVIEW]Óscar Andrés Piedrahita - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (155):265-268.
    Se propone un examen crítico de la última obra de J.-L. Marion titulada, dedicada a la unión de alma y cuerpo, y cuya tesis principal es: los problemas que esta unión suscita confunden dos términos, cuerpo y mi cuerpo. Esta confusión lleva a que se apliquen al primero categorías propias del segundo. Se examinan las "paradojas ónticas" que mi cuerpo (la carne) inaugura (a); se despeja la tesis de dos interpretaciones de las meditaciones primera y sexta (b); se discute la (...)
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    Domatic partitions of computable graphs.Matthew Jura, Oscar Levin & Tyler Markkanen - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (1-2):137-155.
    Given a graph G, we say that a subset D of the vertex set V is a dominating set if it is near all the vertices, in that every vertex outside of D is adjacent to a vertex in D. A domatic k-partition of G is a partition of V into k dominating sets. In this paper, we will consider issues of computability related to domatic partitions of computable graphs. Our investigation will center on answering two types of questions for (...)
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    Special issue of the Asian journal of business ethics on global survey of business ethics (GSBE) reports 2022–2024 from Asia, Australia, and Russia: Philippines. [REVIEW]Benito L. Teehankee, Aliza D. Racelis & Oscar G. Bulaong - forthcoming - Asian Journal of Business Ethics:1-14.
    The Philippines, a Southeast Asian archipelago, has a rich cultural history shaped by influences from Hindu empires, Spanish colonization, American governance, and brief Japanese occupation. The country operates under a democratic system based on the 1987 Constitution, with Filipino and English as its official languages. Despite economic growth since 1999, challenges such as poverty, corruption, and natural disasters persist. The business sector, historically focused on profit, has shown a gradual shift towards social responsibility, as reflected in evolving corporate governance practices (...)
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    José Meirinhos, Celia López Alcalde and João Rebalde (eds.), Secrets and Discovery in the Middle Ages. Proceedings of the 5th European Congress of the Féderation Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales (Porto, 25th to 29th June 2013), Barcelona. [REVIEW]Óscar Perea Rodríguez - 2021 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 27 (2):227-229.
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    Transitive Inference Remains Despite Overtraining on Premise Pair C+D-.Héctor O. Camarena, Oscar García-Leal, José E. Burgos, Felipe Parrado & Laurent Ávila-Chauvet - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  35. Oscar D. Watkins, A History of Penance. [REVIEW]G. G. Coulton - 1920 - Hibbert Journal 19:790.
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  36. Buenas prácticas en la sociedad. Entrevista a Óscar Sarlo, miembro de la Academia Nacional de Letras de Uruguay.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2023 - Oxímora. Revista Internacional de Ética y Política 23 (23):128-143.
    El objetivo de esta entrevista realizada el 11 de julio de 2021 a Óscar Sarlo, miembro de la Academia Nacional de Letras de Uruguay, consistió en detectar y comentar en qué estado se encuentra la capacidad de los ciudadanos de América Latina con respecto a la introducción del Derecho en distintos ámbitos sociales. El resultado de esa inserción es fructífero al hacer referencia a la producción literaria; sin embargo, también se trata de un ejercicio deleznable, tal como lo sigue (...)
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    La intervención psicosocial en un contexto investigativo: "Lecturas psico-sociales sobre jóvenes agrópolis - sector rural - desde diversos actores que los intervienen".Martha Patricia Peláez Romero, Oscar Enrique Cañon Ortiz & Nestor Mario Noreña Noreña - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 25:191-201.
    En el presente documento se c onceptualiza la intervención d esde diferentes acepciones, siendo el sentido psicosocial de la intervención , la opción de sus autores. Lo s avances conceptuales sobre int ervención psicosocial reflexio nan sobre los "planes de desarrollo" municipales colombianos, en co..
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  38. Should Oscar Pistorius be excluded from the 2008 olympic games?S. D. Edwards - 2008 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 2 (2):112 – 125.
    This paper discusses the predicament of Oscar Pistorius. He is a Paralympic gold medallist who wishes to participate in the Olympics in Beijing in 2008. Following a brief introductory section, the paper discusses the arguments that could be, and have been, deployed against his participation in the Olympics, should he make the qualifying time for his chosen event (400m). The next section discusses a more hypothetical argument based upon a specific understanding of the fair opportunity rule. According to this, (...)
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    Tempo redento: riflessioni filosofiche a partire da Oscar Cullmann.Giovanna D'Aniello - 2019 - Trapani: Il pozzo di Giacobbe.
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    A Civil Art: The Persuasive Moral Voice of Oscar Romero.Tod D. Swanson - 2001 - Journal of Religious Ethics 29 (1):127 - 144.
    When moral or religious teachings have public and political effects, analysis usually focuses on the message, but attention to the manner in which the teachings are communicated is equally important in understanding their power to influence the course of events. Oscar Romero's particular style of moral discourse was remarkably effective for three reasons: First, his moral reasoning resonated with Salvadoran identity. It was intelligible within those reigning assumptions about national history and territory that could actually move a public to (...)
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    Mycenaean Nomenclature - Oscar Landau: Mykenisch-griechische Personennamen. (Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia, vii.) Pp. 305. Gothenburg: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1958. Paper, kr. 28. [REVIEW]D. M. Jones - 1959 - The Classical Review 9 (3):225-227.
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  42. Beyond Conscience. By Oscar Jaszi. [REVIEW]Harold D. Lasswell - 1934 - International Journal of Ethics 45:440.
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    L. Canali : Persio: Satire. Note di M. Pellegrini. Pp. xviii + 85. Milan: Oscar Mondadori, 2003. Paper, €7.80. ISBN: 88-04-52092-2. [REVIEW]D. M. Hooley - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (2):697-698.
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    Corinth: Results of Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. III., Part I: Acrocorinth, Excavations in 1926. By Carl William Blegen, Richard Stillwell, Oscar Broneer, and Alfred Raymond Bellinger. Pp. ix + 75; 8 plates and 61 text illustrations. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press (London: Milford), 1930. [REVIEW]D. S. Robertson - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (04):154-.
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    Corinth: Results of Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. IV., Part II.: Terracotta Lamps. By Oscar Broneer. Pp. xx + 339; 210 text figures and xxxiii plates. Publishers as above, 1930. $5.0. [REVIEW]D. S. Robertson - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (1):37-37.
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    Oscar Wilde et le portrait surréel d’un désir invisible.Frank Pierobon - 2014 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 2 (2):113-140.
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  47. (2 other versions)Oscar.John L. Pollock - 1996 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 6 (1):89-113.
    In its present incarnation, OSCAR is a fully implemented programmable architecture for a rational agent. If we just focus upon the epistemic reasoning in OSCAR, we have a powerful general-purpose defeasible reasoner. The purpose of this paper is to describe that reasoner. OSCAR's defeasible reasoner is based upon seven fundamental ideas. These are (1) an argument-based account of defeasible reasoning, (2) an analysis of defeat-status given a set of interrelated arguments, (3) a general adequacy criterion for automated (...)
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    Oscar Wilde and Poststructuralism.Guy Willoughby - 1989 - Philosophy and Literature 13 (2):316-324.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:OSCAR WILDE AND POSTSTRUCTURALISM by Guy Willoughby Towards the beginning ofthe hugely entertaining and provocative manifesto called "The Critic as Artist" (1890),1 Oscar Wilde causes the well-named discipulus Ernest to inquire of the suave magister, Gilbert: "But what are the two supreme and highest arts?" The prompt answer takes us to the heart ofWilde's aesthetic priorities: "Life and Literature," says Gilbert: "Life and the perfect expression of (...)
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  49. When Good Art is Bad: Educating the critical viewer.Laura D'Olimpio - 2020 - Theory and Research in Education 18 (2):137-150.
    There is a debate within philosophy of literature as to whether narrative artworks should be judged morally, for their ethical value, meaning and impact. On one side you have the aesthetes, defenders of aestheticism, who deny the ethical value of an artwork can be taken into consideration when judging the work’s overall aesthetic value. Richard Posner backs artists such as Oscar Wilde who famously wrote, ‘there is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well (...)
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    La coopération des métiers de la scène dans les écrits critiques d’Oscar Wilde.Alexandre Bies - 2018 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 2 (2):171-180.
    Dans un contexte marqué par la révolution industrielle, et donc la mécanisation du travail, Oscar Wilde porte un regard critique sur les possibilités nouvelles accordées à la mise en scène de théâtre. Loin d’être accessoire, la scénographie est constitutive d’une œuvre irréductible au texte et fait, du théâtre, le lieu d’un art total où le décorateur est artiste et les métiers collaborent.
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